Friday, April 25, 2008

Unique Weight Loss Program Unveiled in Time for Summer

(Diet & Weight Loss), The weight loss program, At The Heart of Success for Weight Loss, uses the latest discoveries to promote weight loss without the use of willpower. Success Coach, Teri Rose has masterfully combined success techniques with the latest discoveries about the mind, memories and quantum physics in a simple, easy coaching program that anyone can follow from the comfort of their home.

In order to illustrate the power of the subconscious mind, Rose shares her own story about the weight management problem that had plagued her since childhood. She says "As a child, I was only allowed to eat fruit as an after school snack while my friends ate cookies. Once I was out on my own, I always chose junk food as a snack. Years later I uncovered and removed an unrealistic subconscious belief that eating fruit was punishment and that I wasn't loved. I was amazed by the difference that made! Without even realizing it, I began choosing snacks like a beautiful red delicious apple over junk food. It happened naturally without any negative feelings. There was no longer an internal battle going on. That was the beginning of a new approach that was the end to my life of dieting. I changed on the inside and my weight changed on the outside."

Teri Rose works with clients in a way that takes advantage of the power of the mind. She uses new discoveries and techniques to help clients remove destructive subconscious thoughts that unknowingly control their behavior. And it's not only for weight loss. The process works for everything in life, and Rose is a master at teaching people how to use it correctly.

To be successful with weight loss or anything else, the negative emotions coming from wrong beliefs must be removed. That requires getting out the toolbox. Teri Rose's coaching fits the client with the tools to find and remove the root cause of weight gain.

Changing the underlying beliefs makes a dramatic difference in the outcome.

Rose explains, "I was constantly being told how eating such and such was going to make me fat. Without realizing it, I was being programmed to see food only as something that would make me gain weight. Subconsciously, I struggled with every thought I had about food. It was the perfect formula for a lifelong weight problem."

What Teri Rose's clients appreciate the most about her programs is that she has overcome the very problems they are facing. She shares her vast experiences ( that make her a walking testimonial. That experience makes her value as a coach skyrocket.

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