(Weight Loss)/(ARA) - "Sustainability" is the current favorite buzz word of the environmental movement. But what if you applied the concept of sustainability to your weight-loss and health-improvement efforts?

The results would be life altering, says Joe Dillon. And Joe should know. He has coached 22 Olympic Gold Medal Winning athletes. Since 1979, Joe has coached literally thousands of one-on-one clients from athletes to doctors to CEO's of Fortune 500 companies. An inspirational speaker, Joe has spoken to millions of people including national sales meetings, all the major dental meetings, medical schools and was Speaker of the Year for Vistage, the world's largest organization of CEO's. Born in 1944, Joe is 7 percent body fat with a resting heart rate of 40. Dillon clearly walks his talk.
"Health and fitness are attainable at any age, no matter how busy you are," says Sandy Terrien, Dillon's business partner and a nationally recognized speaker and certified personal trainer and fitness consultant. Born in 1957, Sandy is 10 percent body fat with a resting heart rate of 42.
"Improving our health - and in direct correlation, our lives - is a prime objective for many of us," Dillon says. "Occasional diets and sporadic exercise, fads or ignoring the problem, won't get the job done. What's needed is a fully-aware, whole-life approach."

If you're considering taking steps to alter your health and change your life, evaluate any fitness plan on the following points, Dillon advises:
"There's no quick fix," Dillon says. Optimal health is a way of life. "We live and teach a practical, sustainable lifestyle. Our program works at home, at the office, on business trips and even on vacations." Joe travels over 300,000 miles a year. Whatever you do counts. "Our program is about progress, not perfection," says Joe. "It has to work for you and in your life."
"Our number one rule is: 'First do no harm,' " Dillon notes. "Our program is safe and optimal for pregnant women, lactating women, new born infants, as well as both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. "
Is your new plan based on consensus science and the most current research available? Programs like The Joe Dillon Difference, that are based on empirical research and proven science, provide maximum opportunity for success and also allow flexibility to evolve as new information becomes available. Apply empirical principles to your own progress, as well self measurement, annual blood tests and physicals to measure and substantiate your results. "Listen to your body is what we teach," says Dillon. "We encourage you to pay attention to the feedback your body gives you and we teach you how to tailor our program to exactly meet your body's needs - all based on empirical scientific evidence."
"We all have busy lives," Terrien says. "We believe a healthy lifestyle should be simple and practical enough to work in the real world." Complicated systems and unrealistic goals make it harder to achieve life-changing results. "We will teach you 4 simple principles that are safe, scientific, effective, and life changing."
"There is only one person who cares about your health. You. If you don't care, no one cares," Dillon says. "Your health is your choice. Actions, like the food you put in your mouth, have consequences. All change is internal. We will teach you how to transform your life. And always remember: You are worth it"
To learn more about Joe Dillon and his empowering weight-loss and health-improvement principles and techniques, visit www.thejoedillondifference.com.
On Dillon's Web site, you'll find a wealth of information on how to successfully take control of your health, your weight and your life, as well as an online store of supplements and tools. Members also have access to Dillon's acclaimed video coaching series through the Web site.
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