Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Businesses Fret Effects of Swine Flu
Businesses Fret Effects of Swine Flu
How to Use A Stability Ball
Where to buy a stability Ball
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Which Sweeteners Are Best?

In order to demonstrate why natural sweeteners are best, Friedman first explained the negatives of the artificial options.
"Anything labeled 'artificial' is usually created by chemists in a lab, and therefore is not easily digested by the body," explained Friedman. "Additionally, the chemicals in many artificial sweeteners have been shown to actually stimulate the appetite, which is bad news for people trying to lose weight while using these sugar substitutes."
He also explained that many chemicals are used to modify natural sugar in order to make it calorie-free, including: chlorine, acetone, formaldehyde, benzene (a carcinogen found in oil and gas), and chemicals used in engine anti-freeze and windshield washing fluid. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other laboratory studies, a litany of adverse reactions and ailments has been associated with these sweeteners over the past few decades.
The solution? Three natural, low-calorie sweeteners top Friedman's choices for people and families across the nation.
The first option Friedman recommends is Xylitol, which is extracted from the birch tree and sometimes referred to as birch sugar.
Another of his recommendations is agave nectar. Agave nectar comes straight from the agave plant with no chemical modifications, and is sweeter than table sugar.
"Agave nectar is a great option for vegans because unlike honey, it is not an animal product. It also easily dissolves in liquids, so it makes a great sweetener in beverages like iced tea," Friedman said.
The third natural sweetener he recommends is Stevia. Stevia has been used as a sweetener in South America for more than 1,500 years and is sold in the United States as a nutritional herb. Stevia is 100 percent natural and 300 times sweeter than sugar.
"Just one teaspoon of Stevia replaces one whole cup of sugar," explained Friedman. "The calorie savings add up very quickly."
To find these three natural sweeteners, Friedman recommends going to the local health food store
Thursday, June 4, 2009
How Green Tea can help you to lose weight
Unlike other weight loss methods, green tea does not require you to alter your diet; it simply compliments other weight loss efforts such as exercise. Scientific studies have illustrated that green tea contains 2 elements, namely caffeine and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which aid weight loss.
Benefits of green tea weight loss:
• Burning fat
• Increasing metabolism
• Blocking conversion of energy into fat
• Helping the body reduce dietary fat
• Regulating blood sugar levels
• Reducing food cravings
Replacing traditional cups of tea or coffee with green tea not only helps individuals to lose weight, it also has a host of associated benefits, helping drinkers to be sharper and more alert at work and generally feel happier and healthier.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Living a Healthy Lifestyle on a Budget

Health and wellness is a privilege that everyone should be able to afford even in difficult economic times. With the right experience and know-how, anyone can make smart choices about healthy living while also being wallet wise.
Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg has mastered the art of staying fit, while also being financially responsible. She is a busy mom of three, runs a private practice in New York City and serves as chief pediatric officer for - an informative Web site that helps people live healthier, longer lives. Through her extensive experience of balancing work, life and wellness, she has learned how to keep living a healthy lifestyle, while keeping out of the red.
Dr. Trachtenberg shares her top five tips for staying healthy on a budget:
Tip 1 - Buy Frozen for Good Nutrition
The fresh produce section at the grocery store can be a budgeter's nightmare as pricey fresh foods can really add up. The budget-conscious can find much needed relief in the frozen food section. Frozen fruits and vegetables typically have the same levels of nutrients as their fresh counterparts, because the produce is frozen at the peak of its ripeness, locking in the maximum amount of nutrients .
Tip 2 - Get Fit in the Great Outdoors
No matter what the season, the outdoors is a great place to move your body and bond with family and friends without the confinement and encumbering expense of a gym membership. Calorie-shedding activities can be enjoyed year round:
* Winter - Ice skate at a local rink or work the biceps with some snow shoveling
* Spring - Get some friends together and form a softball league, or ride a bike on weekends
* Summer - Try to walk instead of driving short distances or take up swimming
* Fall - Get some cardio by raking leaves or challenge yourself to participate in a local road race
On rainy or chilly days, visit the local library and check out a workout video. It can be a lot of fun and doesn't cost a thing.
Tip 3 - Let the games begin!
Lately, board games are making a major comeback with the reinvention of the traditional Family Night. Flexing your mental muscle by opting to play cards, trivia games or parlor games of yesteryear can help cut costs on expensive movie rentals and excessive cable charges. Plus, leisure time spent with friends, family and neighbors is always a healthy and fun way to de-stress.
Tip 4 - Drink to your health!
Water is a necessity and getting the recommended eight glasses a day is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Switching from bottled water to tap can save hundreds of dollars (not to mention it also eliminates the amount of plastic bottles that get discarded!). To ensure tap water is healthy and clean, consider a PUR Water Filtration System, which could save up to $600 each year in comparison to bottled water. PUR is certified to reduce many unwanted contaminants to help ensure drinking water is clean and healthy. Visit for more details.
Tip 5 - Sweet Dreams
Getting much needed sleep no matter what your age is crucial to mental, emotional and physical health. You will feel better, be more productive at work, have increased levels of physical and mental alertness, and your body will get the rest it needs to fight off diseases. For these reasons, make a commitment to schedule your day so you get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep. Children, depending on age, might require more.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Earth Hour-the world's largest global climate change event
From melting glaciers to increasingly intense weather patterns, we know that climate change is already impacting life on our planet.
On Saturday, March 28, 2009, at 8:30 pm, our employees will take part in Earth Hour-the world's largest global climate change event. By simply turning off all non-essential lighting for one hour at our company buildings and in our own homes, we will join tens of millions of concerned citizens throughout the world in calling for action to save our planet for future generations.
Earth Hour is an event led by the World Wildlife Fund. In 2008, more than 50 million people in 370 cities around the world took part, as the lights dimmed at Sydney's Opera House, Rome's Coliseum, the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge. Even the Google homepage went dark for the day.
This year, Earth Hour will be even bigger. In cities large and small have said they'll participate…with more signing on daily. They will join international cities such as Auckland, Beijing, Bogota, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, Lisbon, London, Manila, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Paris, Rome, Singapore, Shanghai, Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, and Warsaw.
Energy efficiency isn't just good for the bottom line. We all have a stake in the future of our planet and must learn to operate in ways that don't deplete our world's limited natural resources.
In the weeks leading up to Earth Hour, we plan to take a close look at ways our company can operate more efficiently, waste less and reduce our environmental footprint-not only in our own operations, but throughout our supply chain. Joining Earth Hour is a great way to show our readers and our community that the people genuinely care about their future.
We hope you'll join us in the important and inspiring effort and encourage your own employees, customers and suppliers to take part.
Participating in Earth Hour is easy, fun and absolutely free. To get more information and to have your business listed among those participating in our community, visit /and pledge to turn out all nonessential lights from 8:30-9:30 pm on March 28, 2009.
Don't forget-on March 28th at 8:30 pm, switch off. A simple way to help make the world a better place.
Monday, March 23, 2009
How Not To Weight For The Bus
Let' set the stage. Your downtown and your waiting on the bus. You sit down on a bench and then you notice a sign next to you telling you how much you weight. Sound like fun?
Personally, I think it good advertising from Fitness First
Do you like being humiliated into buying a gym membership? This is the type of fitness advertising that can cross the line, but does it? Do you think this is considered public humiliation?
Read the full story here:
Weighting For The Bus - ANIMAL
Monday, March 2, 2009
Power yoga, the fitness mantra of Bollywood beauties
Power yoga, the fitness mantra of Bollywood beauties
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Benefits of a Strong Butt
That being said, a strong, healthy butt offers many health benefits, in addition to making us look and feel better in our jeans. First of all, because of the large size of the muscle group that make up the posterior, the butt muscles make the rest of our bodies work more efficiently.
According to Fred DeVito,V.P. Of Exhale Spa, the Glutteal group (medius, minimus and maximus) form one of the largest muscle groups in the body. Consequently, muscle tone in this area helps to create a strong support base for the pelvic girdle.
DeVito says, "This supportive base relieves pressure on the lower back and also allows for more efficient posterior leg function in movement as well as in standing postures."
Additionally, according to Michael J. Donovan, Ph.D., Presidential Management Fellow at National Institutes of Health, "Strong gluteals can improve your posture, minimize your effort to walk, especially upstairs, and can help with heavy lifting." The "butt muscles" are partly responsible for keeping us upright. Moreover, strong gluteal muscles provide muscular power formost aerobic activities.
A strong butt ensures maximal muscle efficiency. "When the gluteal muscles are weak other muscles are recruited to produce certain movements. These recruited muscles function best in a supporting role, so the result will be weaker and, over time, could develop into a chronic, overuse-type injury," says Donovan. Also, the gluteals stabilize the hip joint and, consequently, play a major role in keeping the knee healthy. Strong gluteal muscles help control hip and thigh movement, preventing the knees from folding inward.
Donovan explains, "This is a common problem in women because the female pelvis is wider than the male pelvis, forming a more acute angle between the hip and knee. Hence, strong gluteal muscles help strengthen the hip joint thereby stabilizing the knee joint and helping to prevent knee pain." In fact, the health benefits of having strong gluteal muscles are so well recognized at this point, that development and strengthening of these muscles is a focus of rehabilitation therapy.
Irv Rubenstein, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology and President of, STEPS, Inc. explains that because "studies show high correlations between non-functioning gluteus medius and acl injury, patellofemoral pain syndrome, and low back pain risk, rehab is now directed toward developing the glute medius first in function, then endurance, then strength."
In addition to the health benefits strong gluteal muscles provide to the overall functioning of other muscle and joint systems, they also perform an important metabolic function and play an important role in weight management.
Accorrding to Fred DeVito, "Because these muscles are large in mass, when toned, they are engines that burn calories for fuel. While all muscles act in this way, the gluteals have the greatest potential for burning calories (even at rest) due to their size and mass." The more muscle you have, the more fat your body is able to burn when you are in a resting state.
Since the glutes are a large muscle group, strengthening and increasing your muscles there will begin instantly burning fat. Carrying around excess body fat wears down your muscles and fatigues your body. By carrying around this extra weight, your body is using up the energy you need to work and play. This fatigue can also affect your mood dramatically. Rob Price at, a certified personal trainer and the author of The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Sports.
Numerous health benefits derive from a healthy, strong butt. In addition to making our posture better, our knees function better, our hips less prone to injury and pain, and our other muscles groups work more efficiently, they also turn our bodies into fat-burning machines that enable us to burn calories even while resting. A follow-up article will discuss in detail easy ways to strengthen these important muscles so that your body can get the full health benefits of having a strong butt. Not to mention, you'll look great in your jeans.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How To Find Healthy Restaurant Food Choices Fast
The average American eats around five meals at restaurants each week. GoodFoodNearYou makes eating healthy restaurant food convenient. GoodFoodNearYou displays localized search results of the healthiest food at the restaurants closest in distance. The GoodFoodNearYou search empowers people to make smart, fast and healthy dining decisions. GoodFoodNearYou also displays the menus for every restaurant listed in the search results and the typical nutritional values for each menu item including fat, calories and carbohydrates.
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD, a sports nutritionist and nutrition author says, "If you are looking for food help when you are on the go, is a handy tool. Calorie and health conscious eaters can find menu options in local chain restaurants that will support their nutritional diet goals".
GoodFoodNearYou has the food and nutrition information for 33,000 food items at approximately 220,000 U.S. restaurant locations including popular casual dining restaurants, fast food restaurants, grocery stores and convenience stores. A search on GoodFoodNearYou results in twenty of the healthiest food options at the restaurant locations closest in distance. To fulfill specific diet requirements, search results can be sorted by lowest fat, calories or carbohydrates.
"GoodFoodNearYou came about because of a need we had in the office when trying to order healthy food for lunch," explains Nick Desai, CEO of Global Fitness Media, the company that developed GoodFoodNearYou. Desai is the Founder, Chairman and former CEO of Juice Wireless and inventor of JuiceCaster, an award winning mobile social networking service offered by AT&T, T-Mobile, Nokia and others.
Desai continues, "Diets often fail because they do not fit into your lifestyle. You end up doing what is convenient, rather than what is healthy. We took the convenience of the web and made healthy restaurant food options accessible. We are excited to launch GoodFoodNearYou as there is a great demand for simple lifestyle solutions and location based help with dieting and weight loss".
Lifestyle and technology trends indicate that local search and web and mobile browsing are used more commonly for seeking out information. GoodFoodNearYou improves public access to useful local restaurant food and nutrition information.
"GoodFoodNearYou is a product that reflects the variety of ways people use technology to find information. Global Fitness Media developed mobile application versions of GoodFoodNearYou for GPS enabled devices like the Apple iPhone and the BlackBerry Curve because mobile browsers on cell phones are often used to access location based information on the web," explains Desai.
Start Your Search Today Go To: GoodFoodNearYou
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Weight Loss Reduces Incontinence In Obese Women, UCSF Study Shows
Behavioral weight-loss programs can be an effective way to reduce urinary incontinence in women who are overweight or obese, according to a study led by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco.
Volunteer participants in the Program to Reduce Incontinence by Diet and Exercise (PRIDE) experienced both significant weight loss and a significant reduction in the frequency of their incontinence episodes, according to the study. Findings appear in the January 29, 2009 issue of the "New England Journal of Medicine."
The multi-center, randomized clinical trial was conducted at UCSF, Brown University and the University of Alabama in Birmingham.
The results support the inclusion of weight reduction as a first-line treatment for incontinence for overweight and obese women, according to Leslee L. Subak, MD, lead author on the study and associate professor in the obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences; urology, and epidemiology and biostatistics departments at UCSF.
"It has been well documented that behavioral weight-loss interventions decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, improve control of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and improve mood and quality of life," Subak said. "Our results suggest that a decrease in urinary incontinence can now be added to the extensive list of health benefits associated with weight loss."
Previous studies have indicated that obesity is a strong risk factor for urinary incontinence, a condition that affects more than 13 million women in the United States and accounts for an estimated $20 billion in annual health care costs, Subak said. The PRIDE research team sought to provide evidence of the beneficial effect of a weight loss program involving diet and exercise on urinary incontinence.
The study randomly assigned 338 overweight and obese women aged 42 to 64 years with at least 10 episodes of urinary incontinence per week to either an intensive 6-month weight-loss program that included group diet, exercise, and behavioral modification sessions, or to a control group who received weight loss information but no rigorous guidance. All participants received a booklet describing current methods for improving incontinence, including exercises for pelvic floor muscles.
Study participants in the weight-loss group lost an average of 17 pounds and reduced the weekly number of incontinence episodes by almost half (47 percent). In comparison, the control group lost an average of 3 pounds per person and had a 28 percent decrease in weekly number of incontinence episodes. The study also found that weight loss was more effective for stress incontinence (involuntary urine loss with coughing, sneezing, straining, or exercise) than urge incontinence (loss of urine associated with a strong urge to void).
Among women in the weight-loss group, a higher proportion achieved a clinically relevant reduction of at least 70 percent of total stress and urge incontinence episodes per week compared to the control group. Additionally, women in the weight loss group perceived greater improvement in the frequency of their urinary incontinence, lower volume of urine lost, less of a problem with incontinence and higher satisfaction with the change in their incontinence at 6 months, compared to women in the control group.
The research team will now examine additional data to determine whether the effect of weight loss can be maintained over an 18-month period.
"Improvement in urinary incontinence may be an additional way to motivate overweight women to make healthy lifestyle choices, such as weight loss and increased physical activity, impacting public health as well as an individual's health and quality of life," Subak said.
Other investigators and co-authors on the paper were Deborah Grady, MD, MPH, of UCSF and the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Rena Wing, PhD, Miriam Hospital and Brown University; Delia Smith West, PhD, University of Arkansas; and Frank Franklin, MD, PhD, University of Alabama in Birmingham. The study was supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the Office of Research on Women's Health.
NIDDK is part of the National Institutes of Health and conducts and supports basic and clinical research and research training on some of the most common, severe and disabling conditions affecting Americans. The Institute's research interests include: diabetes and other endocrine and metabolic diseases; digestive diseases, nutrition, and obesity; and kidney, urologic and hematologic diseases.
ORWH serves as the focal point for women's health research at the NIH, including setting and monitoring policy; promoting, stimulating, and supporting research; and enhancing the recruitment and advancement of women in biomedical careers.
UCSF is a leading university dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care. For further information, visit
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Ultimate Workout System For Busy Dads
In addition to 8 workout and nutrition bonuses that is included with the Dad Fitness System, for these 3 days only Dad Fitness will be including 3 new free bonuses such as The Dad Fitness Home Workout that can be done in the comfort of your own home with little equipment.

Sean Barker, a busy dad himself as well as a fitness expert to busy dads everywhere realizes that in these shaky economic times the best investment you can make is your health. "The only thing they can lose with the Dad Fitness System is that dangerous heart attack fat" that maybe robbing them out of years of healthy living that they owe to themselves and to their families.
Thanks to Dad Fitness, overweight dads around the globe can get instant access to effective workouts and proper nutrition information with just a click of a mouse.
The Dad Fitness System is available as an instant download so busy dads can get started right away on the New Year-New Dad Fitness Giveaway.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Health & Fitness Clubs Can Save Up To 30% On Fitness Equipment Parts
SPORTSMITH™ is proud to announce the release of the 2009 SPORTSMITH™ Winter Edition Catalog, featuring the industry's largest selection of Fitness Equipment Parts, Treadmill Running Belts, Decks, Rollers, Strength Equipment and Fitness Products, all with express same-day shipping and Best Price Guarantee.
The 160-page catalog features additional savings on OEM and SPORTSMITH™ Brand Treadmill Running Belts, Decks and Rollers for popular brands such as Life Fitness, Star Trac, Precor and many more.
Each catalog is packed full of Maintenance Charts, Equipment Diagrams, Fitness Equipment Parts, Fitness Products and Maintenance Information for the most popular brands of fitness equipment including Life Fitness, Star Trac, StairMaster, Schwinn, Precor, Landice and many others.
The SPORTSMITH™ Winter Edition Catalog further offers expanded selections of Sports Performance Training items including Agility Dots, Agility Domes, Mini Hurdles, Agility Ladders, Lateral Power Trainer and Nutrition featuring Zola Acai Super Fruit Juice™.
Functional training items include Fitness Boxing, Balance & Stability, Exercise Mats, Speed & Agility, Sports Specific Training, Fitness Assessment, Audio Accessories, Resistance Tubing & Bands, Weighted Resistance and more.
SPORTSMITH Indoor Cycling Products include parts for Schwinn, Star Trac V2™, V-Bike™ and RevMaster™.
Innovative strength training products feature Cybex Classic and VR2 Upholstered Pads, Cable Attachment Bars, Hardware and Accessories, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Racks and International Bars.
A variety of the most popular group exercise products include Polar® Heart Rate Monitors, SportStep, the Original Health Club Step™, SPORTSMITH Resistance Bands, Medicine and Stability Balls, Yoga and Exercise Mats.
“The SPORTSMITH mission is to supply the most popular fitness equipment parts, and personal training products in the fitness industry with the benefits of hassle-free customer service, 24/7 online ordering, express same-day shipments and Best Price Guarantee,” reported Brad Schupp, President.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Shy Teens at Higher Risk of Substance Abuse
One way to help shy teens avoid these potential dangers is to encourage them to get part-time jobs at which they are forced to interact with customers.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thyroid Awareness Month: Check Your Neck, Change Your Life
According to thyroid patient advocate and author Mary Shomon, "Millions of people have an undiagnosed thyroid disorder, and don't realize that it is the source of the other health challenges they face. Obesity, depression, fatigue, high cholesterol, infertility, low sex drive, and many other conditions are often the direct result of undiagnosed and untreated thyroid conditions."
To help these undiagnosed thyroid sufferers finally get the help they need, Shomon, the New York Times best-selling author of "The Thyroid Diet" and popular patient-directed books, web sites, and thyroid newsletters, has put together the "Check Your Neck, Change Your Life" campaign, along with a free downloadable ebook -- all designed to help educate and empower people about how to get a proper thyroid diagnosis.
The free ebook, titled "The Thyroid Awareness Month Guide to Thyroid Disease," is available at the Thyroid Awareness Month campaign website
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Health Departments React with Alarm to New CDC Surveillance Data

Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released national sexually transmitted disease (STD) surveillance data for 2007. The report shows persistent and staggeringly high rates of STDs as well as a disproportionate burden of infections on youth, minorities, and women. Upon the release of this information, the National Coalition of STD Directors called for a renewed commitment from Congress and President-elect Obama to fight the STD epidemic in the U.S.
In 2007, more than 1.1 million Chlamydia cases were reported, which is the largest number of cases ever reported to CDC for any condition. Rates of primary and secondary (P & S) syphilis increased by 15% from 2006, and 65% of all P & S syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men (MSM). In addition, the report shows persistent and growing racial disparities in Chlamydia, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea infections. In 2007, Blacks were 19 times more likely to become infected with Gonorrhea than whites.
"This report should serve as a wake up call to policymakers and the public that STDs remain a significant public health threat in the U.S., and a scaled up investment of funds are desperately needed for prevention and treatment," stated Don Clark, NCSD's Executive Director.
CDC estimates that approximately 19 million STD infections occur each year, and nearly half are among those aged 15-24 years. African American women between 15 and 19 are particularly hard hit, accounting for the highest rates of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea of any group. The consequences of untreated STDs include infertility, pregnancy complications, cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, birth defects and an increased risk of HIV transmission.
While rates of STDs have continued to increase, federal funding for CDC's Division of STD Prevention has steadily declined since Fiscal Year 2003. This has significantly hampered the ability of STD programs in state and local health departments to deliver critical prevention and treatment services, as well as conduct surveillance. "State and local health departments are responsible for controlling this epidemic and often are the medical providers of last resort for persons with STDs. There needs to be a systematic reinvestment in the public health infrastructure to provide the necessary clinical services to diagnose and treat STDs and contact exposed partners to insure that they are treated and further spread is prevented," stated Dr. Peter Kerndt, NCSD Board Chair and STD Program Director from Los Angeles County.
"In addition to the need for a greater investment of resources for CDC's Division of STD Prevention, NCSD strongly urges Congress and President-elect Obama to support evidence-based prevention programs to prevent STDs, particularly for young people," stated Don Clark. More than $1.6 billion in federal funds have been spent on abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, which have been unable to demonstrate effectiveness at delaying sexual activity, or reducing rates of STDs, including HIV/AIDS, or unintended pregnancy. Clark continued, "It is time to end these ineffective and harmful programs, and invest in science based approaches to STD prevention, including comprehensive sex education."
Friday, January 16, 2009
A World First In Gyms

With unemployment figures on the up and doom and gloom an everyday part of the job market, a gym chain popular with celebrities is bucking the trend in a most unusual way by employing five new members of staff as human weights. The 30% increase in the workforce is down to the launch of a new piece of weight training apparatus, the only one of its kind in the world, that uses real life people instead of dumbbells, being launched in GYMBOX's new gym in Bank, EC1.
The human weights, which enable users to flex and curl by 'pumping' human beings, which will be available from 19th January in GYMBOX Bank, are being introduced to motivate gym-goers by allowing them to visualise what they are lifting. Experts in sports psychology agree that visualisation is a significant factor in improving performance and human weights are as visual as it can get.
The human weights are the latest in a long line of unusual initiatives from GYMBOX, who's users include the likes of Orlando Bloom and Christian Slater. The gym were famous for introducing Boob Aerobics to the UK (the workout that can help increase bust size), Chav fighting (self defence for the modern world) and the WAG workout, a course on how to look every inch the trophy footballers wife (instructed by a real-life WAG).
Unlike regular dumbbells, the human weights will come with an optional 'motivation feature' where each human weight will shout words of encouragement to ensure muscles are worked to the max, at the gym goer's request. Otherwise they will just keep quiet and keep still as they are lifted.
For more Information Go To: GYMBOX
Thursday, January 15, 2009
More Americans Now Classified as Obese Than Overweight
Read More Here:
More Americans Now Classified as Obese Than Overweight Gives Away 50 Free Memberships to Make New Year's Resolutions Come True in 2009
The free 6-month memberships will be awarded to the first 50 people who share their weight loss goals and challenges on the fitness forum. Gives Away 50 Free Memberships to Make New Year's Resolutions Come True in 2009
Coca-Cola Sued Over Deceptive VitaminWater Claims
Read More Here:
Coca-Cola Sued Over Deceptive VitaminWater Claims: