Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Angelina Jolie Could Have Avoided Postpartum Depression

(Health & Fitness), Angelina Jolie gave birth to her twins in July. Before long, news that she was struggling with symptoms similar to postpartum depression was being reported. This is not surprising, given that 80% of women suffer from mood instability after giving birth. Experts believe that the emotional turmoil women experience in the early postpartum period is due in large part to the massive hormonal fluctuation that happens those first few days postpartum.

The placenta is incredibly beneficial for this transition period. Far from being a useless waste product at birth, it contains everything the mother's body needs to recover from the pregnancy and birth, in the exact levels that she needs. Since it was made by her body, it is perfectly suited to her unique system. The placenta can be dried, ground, and put into capsules. This makes it much easier to ingest, and most women (and their husbands) call the capsules their "happy pills". is the leading resource website for placenta encapsulation research and testimonials. Since its launch in 2006, it has been educating women about the benefits of placenta for postpartum recovery. As a result, placenta encapsulation is quickly becoming the hottest trend in pregnancy and birth. Women all over the nation are discovering the fabulous relief they experience from their placenta capsules.

Candace raves, "I had suffered with postpartum depression after the birth of my first son and was willing to try drying, grinding and ingesting the placenta the second time around. The result? A trouble- free, totally healthy and energetic postpartum. I would highly recommend it!!".

Kristi says, "I forgot one day of pills, and felt fine, so I decided to (try going without them). That was a mistake! I was miserable, yelled at my older kids, couldn't stand to hear the baby cry, and just sat all day. So, I'm taking them again now and they're working again. Night and day difference! I realized I hadn't enjoyed looking at my baby's soft little chubby face for two days! I just don't want to run out. My husband told me to please keep taking them!" (PBi), offers resources for women to help them use the placenta for their postpartum recovery. It features a directory of nationwide Placenta Encapsulation Specialists who are trained and certified in the timeless art of placenta encapsulation through PBi's unique training and certification course. These dedicated professionals will prepare the placenta for the new mother. PBi also offers the DIY Placenta Encapsulation Kit for those women who would like to prepare the placenta themselves. is bringing placenta encapsulation to modern women. Taking placenta capsules is an easy way to recover from pregnancy and childbirth. Angelina Jolie, letalone 80% of all mothers, should not have to suffer from the baby blues. Women just want to feel normal, like themselves, after giving birth. helps women have a better postpartum recovery.

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