Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Weight Loss Solution That Really Works

(Diet and Weight Loss), Weight loss expert Christine Rosche, creator of The Light Living Weight Management Program will be the guest on the June 11th Access to Health Experts teleseminar series. She will discuss her methods for losing weight sensibly and maintaining health and high energy through programs customized to each person's metabolic body type. This free interview is open to the public and is hosted by Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN.

According the Department of Health and Human Resources, approximately 64 percent of Americans are overweight or obese. As the percentage increases, so do the number of fad diets, pills and weight loss systems promising quick and effective weight loss. However, most trendy weight loss options are not only unsuccessful, but can also break the bank. According to Rosche, these programs do not effectively treat the underlying causes of why people are overweight and unhealthy.

While crash diets and pricey pills advertise a quick solution to unwanted pounds, the Light Living program is about creating a healthy lifestyle and empowering people to make permanent changes. Rosche's 25 years of experience in the health care and prevention field has allowed her to develop an integrated approach to nutrition and health management. She takes a whole person approach, addressing important issues such as metabolic imbalances, food addictions, stress, compulsive overeating, food allergies, PMS, nutritional supplements and their impact on your behavior and your body.

In this informational teleseminar, you will learn:

  • The whole person approach to well being and weight management
  • How to end compulsive eating for good
  • How to burn fat instead of muscle
  • How to lose weight while becoming healthier
  • How to accept and love your body

To attend the free Access to Health Experts interview, visit:
Written and audio transcripts are available after event from

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