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Exercise mats are porous and coated with a layer of vinyl, PVC or some other water-resistant material. Exercise mats are a versatile tool that can assist any home fitness program and they are essential if you have a hard floor. An exercise mat will help make floor exercises and stretching exercises more comfortable.
Exercise mats are used primarily to cushion the blow between your body and the floor. Whether for yoga, pilates, martial arts, or for a kid's playroom using exercise mats is a common-sense way to prevent injury to yourself and property.
With a focus on shock absorption and an eye on your budget, this post gives you the scoop on exercise mats without overloading you with irrelevant and obscure technical information. You can use exercise mats for yoga and pilates and you can use yoga and pilates mats for other exercises and stretches.
Most exercise mats you will find in most exercise areas are medium-duty mats of solid colors, and are 3/4 inches thick. If you’re doing vigorous aerobic exercise, thick exercise mats are needed. Since most of your time will be spent on the ground, it only makes sense that you use an exercise mat to protect your body.
Exercise mats start at about $25 online. The best exercise mats we have found are from Sportsmith.net and they have every size, shape and color you could imagine. They even have Eco Yoga Mats as well. Eco Yoga Mats are PVC Free and do not contain phthalates or heavy metals. Eco Yoga Mats are very important particularly if you have allergies to PVC.
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Body toning workouts are the most effective form of exercise to get rid of extra masses of fat from your body. Toning the body helps to improve your balance, coordination, flexibility and can transform your dream body into a reality. Body toning translates your dream of having strong curvy shoulders, toned abs, lean legs and just the appropriate butt size. This type of exercise should not be confused with spot training.
The physical exercises of body toning starts from external movements of various parts of the body. A difference between bodybuilding and body toning is the exercises with bodybuilding stimulate excessive growth of muscles by strength exercises like weight lifting.
Body toning exercises focus on streamlining the body and making it more gracefully slender while forming more supple muscles and increasing strength.
The goal of body toning exercises is creating graceful body curves represented by advanced flexibility combined with moderate muscle development. Total Body Toning condition all major muscles, increasing strength, flexibility and balance within the body. Regular body toning workouts combined with diet plan and nutrition are key factors for fat burning and achieving a well-toned and muscular body.
What Type of Exercises Do you Do or Recommend to Keep Your Body Tone?
Let Us Know By Leaving Your Comment
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The Pumpkinman Triathlon will host the 2008 championship near Las
Vegas on Oct. 18. The 2010 championship venue will be announced next
"This is an exciting event. Not only will we be able to crown our
Long Course Triathlon National Championships, but we will also be
crowning our Club National Champions," said USAT National Events
Director Jeff Dyrek. "Athletes of all experience levels will have the
opportunity to contribute to their club's scoring whether it be the
sprint, intermediate or long course distance event. Clubs will be able
to bring athletes of all experience levels to compete."
The Trisports.com Halfmax National Championship is entering its
fourth year and is supported by a network of qualifying events that
span the nation. Beginning in 2008, only athletes who qualify for the
Halfmax Championship will be eligible to compete for the coveted world
championship slots. Each year the championship attracts some of the
very best long course athletes from across the nation.
The Halfmax Long Course National Championship features a 1.2 mile
swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. The Club National Championship
features sprint and intermediate distances in addition to the long
course option.
The 2008 and 2009 Halfmax Championships will produce a minimum of 10
slots per age group for Team USA and the 2009 and 2010 Long Course
Triathlon World Championship.
"We are excited to be working with the Redman Triathlon group,"
Dyrek said. "With their good reputation and completion of USAT's Race
Director Certification course, we are confident that athletes will
experience a top-notch event."
For more information, visit the following websites:
Club National Championship
Redman Triathlon
Halfmax Championship
(source: prweb)
The study found that the majority of the public; 34%, spend between £100-150 per person on food per month. In contrast, the average outlay of those polled was 11% of their wages, or £173.36.
71% of 18-25 year old females spend £150+ per month on clothing and accessories, of which 16% spend more than half their wages on looking good.
The biggest surprise is in the 31 - 40 year old category, where 21% of women claimed to spend more than half of their wages on fashion, and 56% admit to spending more on fashion than eating.
Speaking about the results, celebrity fashion websiteMyCelebrityFashion.co.uk
Head Fashionista, Jill Tovey said,
"Fashion is clearly still a thriving industry, despite the economy. More people are searching for the best deals and bargains online rather than traipse the high streets, and clearly enjoying themselves whilst doing it!"
"With regards to 'fashiorexia', I and MyCelebrityFashion would never advocate eating unhealthily for the sake of fashion, and believe in balance."
Technorati Tags: fashion, celebrity fashionPilates Digest ,the online community resource for Pilates professionals and enthusiasts, has formally launched a moderated forum. The forum, is designed to be a helpful and dynamic resource for everyone with questions, answers and ideas related to Pilates.
Pilates Digest is an online community resource for Pilates professionals and enthusiasts. Pilates Digest has formally launched a moderated forum.
The forum http://www.pilatesdigest.com/forums/ is designed to be a helpful and dynamic resource for everyone with questions, answers and ideas related to Pilates. The Pilates Digest support team will be posting in the forum regularly, responding to and moderating the topics and posts that the community writes.
Forum topics include asking Pilates Digest team members general questions, business related help for owners and managers, health questions related to the fitness industry, instructional support for trainers, product reviews, sport specific topics for athletes, studio and equipment listings and an employment section with open positions.
The fall increase may be caused by respiratory infections, increased pollen, and outdoor mold counts. Children going back to school also have more contact with other children in an indoor environment, possibly increasing their exposure to viral and bacterial respiratory infections which can lead to an asthma episode.
"Parents and guardians can prepare for this possible increase in asthma episodes by scheduling a 'well-asthma' visit with the child's asthma provider," said Harold Wimmer, CEO of the American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest. "At this visit, health care providers should review or develop an Asthma Action Plan for the child."
According to the Lung Association, parents and guardians should:
1. Obtain an up-do-date Asthma Action Plan from the health care provider and forward copies to the school health office and/or childcare provider.
2. Ensure the child has rescue medications (often called albuterol) and holding chambers (also called spacers) available at home and school/childcare. Make sure rescue medication inhalers are not outdated or empty.
3. Ensure the child has access to his/her asthma medications and knows how to use them.
4. Reduce exposure to things that could trigger an asthma attack such as allergens and secondhand smoke.
5. Schedule an influenza vaccine appointment when the vaccine is available.
6. Teach children to wash their hands frequently with soap and water both at home and school.
Children whose asthma is well-controlled can participate in all activities just like anyone else, including sports, gym and other aerobic type activities by following an Asthma Action Plan and providers' instructions.
Signs that a child's asthma is well controlled include:
· Ability to participate in all physical activities without developing asthma symptoms. Sleeping through the night without episodes of coughing and wheezing.
· No missed school days due to asthma or other respiratory illnesses.
· No emergency room, urgent care or unscheduled provider office visits.
If your child is having symptoms or asthma episodes, the American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest advises parents and caregivers to schedule an appointment with the child's health care provider as soon as possible to resolve these issues.
Registered nurses and respiratory therapists can also answer your questions about asthma and other lung diseases free of charge: contact 1-800-LUNG-USA for more details.
After 25 years of inventing and manufacturing fitness equipment, Shifferaw felt it was time to go back to basics. He developed the DG5 with three simple objectives in mind; helping people get into maximum shape for minimal time and money.
The ultra-sleek, red solid-steel of the DG5 makes it look as cool as it performs. The extensive list of patented bells and whistles found on the compact home gym is dizzying. The bench includes a Lift-Assist System which acts as your own personal spotter, an adjustable Depth-Limiter Bar for the most effective squat, a Leg-Extension System which converts dumbbells into leg weights and much more. The gym even includes two 45 lb adjustable dumbbells with a system to safely store the weights when not in use.
Shifferaw says, "Many people need to tighten their belts right now, so they're canceling gym memberships and saving on gas. We kept that in mind when determining the price, a soft economy doesn't have to equal a soft body." The DG5 is like a compact fitness club. You can perform over 40 exercises, literally working every muscle in your body, in a 5 square foot space.
The DG5 isn't the only product Shifferaw has introduced to the fitness market since the Bowflex. After taking Bowflex, Inc. public and selling the company and rights to The Nautilus Group, Shifferaw went on to develop and market several successful fitness products including the Kathy Smith Ab-Lifter Plus®, Torso-Toner® and the Powerboard® to name a few. Shifferaw currently holds 20 worldwide patents, 4 pending patents and a top-secret list of future fitness products up his sleeve.
The DG5 is being offered for $479.00 (plus $99 shipping) through the dosho.com website. Dosho Design, Inc. began testing commercials for the DG5 in June and has had favorable results so far. Shifferaw said the company is working on their media plan based on initial testing, so plan on seeing the DG5 on your TV and computer monitor soon.
For more Information Visit: Dosho Design, Inc
Technorati Tags: FITNESS PRODUCTS, FITNESS EQUIPMENT, HOME GYMS, BOWFLEX(Health & Fitness), Millions of children worldwide are overweight and are now at greater risk than ever for chronic and potentially lethal health problems. Help them safely kick those destructive habits with Your Slim Vision for Kids, a revolutionary new weight loss program.
Studies have shown that our fat cells multiply until the age of 20, and never decrease in number throughout adulthood. Since most obese kids remain obese as adults, it is critical to reach this age group through programs that address the issues of diet, fast food, and a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity facts gleaned from recent research by Inge Lissau, Ph.D., of Denmark, revealed that U.S. children were the most likely to be overweight - 12.6% of 13 year old boys and 10.8% of 13 year old girls. At 15 years of age, the numbers increase substantially to 13.9% for the boys and 15.1% for the girls.
"We need to give these children the tools necessary to reduce the risks associated with childhood obesity," says Beverly Rothstein, President of Your Slim Body, LLC. "It is critical that we help these kids without the use of drugs or other short-term fixes," she added.
Your Slim Body, LLC, is based in Coral Springs, Florida. Rothstein launched the company in 2006 and most recently introduced her Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP) on XM Radio. The program, specifically for children ages 12 to 18, is easy to use and will help them successfully lose weight and develop healthy lifestyle choices from the comfort and privacy of their own home.
The complete NLP step-by-step weight loss program is contained in one box and is easy to use. Previously incorporated into teens' health and fitness programs in addition to distribution through health industry professionals and organizations, the program is now being offered directly to individuals.
Knowing how to ride a bike for exercise is an ideal activity for every body, and it doesn't matter how far you go, it simply matters that you just start riding. Bike riding is also a community sport, so you'll make new friends as you get into the best shape of your life.
Riders can set personal goals for bike riding, fitness and desired weight loss, while saving money and doing their part for the environment. Rides usually consist of 25, 50 and 100 mile routes, each with a certain number of rest stops that usually include refreshments, first aid and maintenance tools. Riding a bike to work and you will save money on gas, automobile maintenance, and maybe even a car payment. Ride to and from work from the late spring to early fall, when the days are longer, giving you more time. As you get used to riding, you’ll want to ride for 45 minutes or longer each time. If you want to lose weight, you need to ride on a regular basis. Another option is to plan family or group rides a few times a week. Plan times throughout your week to fit in a bike ride, such as running errands or visiting a friend.
Cycling while seated is a relatively non-weight bearing exercise, like swimming, does little to promote bone density. Cycling on a stationary cycle is frequently advocated as a suitable exercise for rehabilitation particularly for lower limb injury due to the low impact that it has on the joints. Cycling in traffic is something that seems dangerous, but can be safe as long as you obey the rules of the road and use common sense. Cycling is one of the most effective forms of exercise. Cycling at least twenty miles, a week reduces the risk of heart disease and is an excellent alternative to car ownership with its attendant purchase, depreciation, maintenance, and residential and sometimes off-site parking costs.)
Bicycling is an easy way to get around that's pollution-free and that requires little energy. You’ll get your exercise automatically as you go to or from work. Bicycling is a lot faster than you might think, even if you don't ride very fast. By cycling, you can exercise while you get to work and you can feel good about being a part of the solution. Consider cycling for weight loss in a variety of ways. Bicycling brings you and your entire family together in the great outdoors.
Research Findings:
Technorati Tags: Cleaning your grill, eco-friendly way to clean your grill
(Health & Fitness), Everybody knows that exercise is good. Doctors have told us for years that exercise can help us lose weight, look better, feel better, and even sleep better. However, exercise sounds like work, and many of us claim that we just don't have time to add more work to our daily lives.
Dr. Bart Lerner (EdD), president of Argosy University, Phoenix, offers guidelines for approaching an exercise regimen than can help everyone benefit from exercise. Lerner says, "Simply stated, sport-exercise psychology can be defined as mental management of physical resources. Staying mentally focused is the most important factor."
To build motivation for exercise, Lerner recommends outlining the reasons why you want to participate in the activity. Some people exercise to improve their performance in a sport, while others exercise to tone muscles, or socialize with friends at a gym. "There is usually more than one reason why we exercise," Lerner says, "The number one reason is weight control. It could be to lose extra weight gained throughout the year or to address health problems that have a tendency to appear in overweight people."
Making changes in your environment can help keep motivation levels high. If your exercise equipment sits in the basement, consider moving it to a more convenient spot in your house. If you don't have the facilities at home, purchase a gym membership. "When you provide for successful exercise experiences, good things can happen," says Lerner, "You don't have to do three sets of 10 from the start. Provide realistic goals. Doing one set will give you success, and you can build on that success each time."
Lerner also suggests making your exercise fun. "People are less likely to see exercise as a chore when it contains elements of fun. Consider adding music as a motivator during the session. Mix it up a bit by varying the content or sequence of the workout. Work on arms and legs one day, and legs and stomach the next," says Lerner, "By setting realistic goals that you can achieve frequently, you feel satisfied along the way. As you progress in the level of your workout, you'll feel better. At that point, the workout becomes its own motivator."
Lerner says that those who seek to benefit from working out should exercise three to five days a week for 25 to 45 minutes at a time. During each session, try to reach 60 percent to 70 percent of your maximal heart rate. A simple formula for figuring maximal heart rate is to take 220 and subtract your age. Each time you exercise, try to reach 60 percent of that number. To find your heart rate, feel your pulse and count the beats for ten seconds. Multiply by six to get the heart rate per minute.
"Exercise can reduce the chances of heart disease and hypertension, and reduce stress," Lerner says, "It releases endorphins in the brain, which can add to our emotional well-being. Exercise also makes one more aware of self, and can build confidence."
(source ARA)